Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Intercultural Communication in the Terminal (2004)

Intercultural Communication: Film review The Terminal (2004) Alberto Ariztà ­a T. The terminal is a movie which recreates the life of the passenger Viktor Navorski who has been trapped in the American JFK airport for almost one year. Hence, due to political problems related to the overthrow of the democratic regime of the fiction country Krakozhia, Viktor’s passport and visa turns invalid as he enters in an undetermined status in the international section within the airport. Once there, the main character has to learn a new language and culture in order to survive and he makes good friends with the workers and fell in love with an air hostess. This is a comedy-drama film based in a real case of an Iranian citizen in the Charles De Gaulle†¦show more content†¦In many situations at the beginning of the movie, the airport security staff failed believing that Viktor was understanding all the procedures and technical language; what is explained as assumption of similarities and language differences. Also nonverbal misinterpretation can be observed in th ese interviews for instance when the supervisor explains Viktor’s problem and Viktor’s reacts as he were greeting him. Misinterpretations due to Preconceptions,Show MoreRelatedTo What Extent Do You Think It Is Possible for Leaders to Manipulate Organisational Culture to Achieve Improved Performance?4401 Words   |  18 Pagesoperations in Yemen to the two Country managers who have in turn established supervisory positions in their local offices. 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