Thursday, July 9, 2020

Gay Marriage Essay - 1100 Words

Gay Marriage Essay (Essay Sample) Content: NameInstitutionCourseDateGay MarriageAlthough gay rights are being instituted in many states, it doesn't mean that it has made the life of same-sex oriented men and women any easier. Homosexuality is still merely accepted in most communities. To the casual observer, life may seem normal on the surface, but the treatment these homosexuals undergo from their families can cause enormous suffering and confusion to them. (Raabe pg57). Even after being granted the gay rights, the individuals still experience self-doubt, self-condemnation, and guilt. They have not granted themselves who they truly are. Granting legal rights of marriage to homosexuals would threaten the stability of families, a fundamental unit of the society.In some ancient communities, it was believed that same-sex marriage or orientation posed an immediate threat to the society as a whole in the form of calamities like diseases and earthquake from God. Currently, it is seen as more of a long- range threat. There are various forms that analytically exposes this argument. Firstly, homosexual unions cannot result into offsprings, thereby posing a threat to the procreative process that facilitates the growth of the population of society. Secondly, gay rights threaten the very continuance of the human species because the homosexuals cannot reproduce. Hence, the human species will disappear. If the society allows homosexuality rights unhindered, then the humankind will exclusively become homosexual.Homosexuality, the fundamental unit of gay marriages calls for Gods damn punishment on the society not only for prohibited sexual act but also disobeying Gods divine command to produce offspring.( Raabe pg 67)The argument of gay rights being a threat to our children is an outright warning rather than an argument. The innocent young children are extremely vulnerable. If we don't believe and accept that homosexuals pose a threat to our children, then we will let our guard down on the children . In effect, the innocent minds and fragile bodies get ruined. Raabe (pg 65)Legalization of gay rights or same-sex marriage leads to increased rates of divorce. Organizations such as the Family Research Council (FRC), opposed to the same-sex marriage, states that gay couples divorce sooner than their heterosexual counterparts. In support of this, statistics from official data on marriage from the USA, involving tens of thousands of heterosexuals shows that 70 percent stay married for ten years and above. On the other hand, homosexual marriages last for less than three years.( Spilsbury 37). In this effect, homosexual partners would not insist on sexual fidelity and that by having affairs outside marriage, the idea of long à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬term commitments in relationships would lessen. Therefore, couples would be more unfaithful leading to more divorces that is detrimental to the well-being of society.Opponents of the same-sex marriage have fears that if many countries legalize the homos exual marriages, then the marriage institutions would transform into contracts involving a variety of relationships. For instance, a relationship would involve two, three, four or more people of the same sex. Without a firm definition of a marriage institution, options would become endless, and these nontraditional families could end up breaking the values of families upon which society is built up.Gay marriages would be bad for society. The marriages would encourage teenagers who are not aware of their sexuality to embrace a lifestyle that suffers high rates of drug abuse, depression, HIV, sexually transmitted diseases and suicide. According to Adams,(pg 300) a 1991 scientific survey, among 25 percent of the 12-year old boys felt uncertain of their sexual orientations.It is a superficial individualism that does not recognize the effects of emerging trends that begin with individuals bucking conventional behaviors. The negative trends commence with the aberrations. However, social sanctions weaken gradually, and the aberrations become torrent.Even though gay marriage would foster care to children through adoption by the same-sex couples, some of the children become created w...

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